The doors to this cute little Hostel at 408 Hoge Street – swung Wipe Open mid May in the year – 2000 and from that day forward has been open for travellers from around the globe to cross our threshold and feel the love, laughter and friendship that lives within these walls. The Vision 22 years ago was this : “the Beez Kneez Bakpakers is to offer a fun, affordable, comfortable and safe accommodation to guests visiting Our Gorgeous Yukon Capital, Whitehorse. ” I think nearly 22 years later – one can certainly say it lives up to it’s name.

A Fun and Funky place like this needs some hard working and knowledgable staff to keep the hive buzzing. We offer individuals first hand advice from cafes to canyons, from festivals to fishing, and from soup to scenery.
"All I know is I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for the Beez Kneez.
It was the perfect soft place to land (so many times). Saying it was like coming home doesn’t really express how welcome I felt walking thru those doors." - Kathryn

The Vickers Family
(Saralee, Brian, the furbabies Lily and Oliver)
Brian and I thought we would live life by travelling to unique, mind blowing and sometimes odd places around the world. That was the path we had chosen and loved every second of it. YES, we ended up in some wild places. Then the world shifted and it was time for a new direction. What could we do?? Where could we go??
That’s when it happened; the spark that ignited a blazing path towards “the cutest place on Earth”. One phone call changed our direction and pointed us ‘Home”. Now we are going to be part of someone else's story
After 30 years of LIVING and LOVING the North, it’s our turn to share the love, mystery and stunning beauty it offers. We want to share the Yukon and it grandeur with other's as they write their stories .
We are excited to welcome everyone to this wonderful place and bring new stories to these fabulous walls.
See you soon at the Beez Kneez!
“It’s not how many miles you walk, it’s how many smiles you share.”